God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 25, 2010

11 months

I can't believe that my little man is 11 months old already. Where has the time gone? Sorry for the MIA, with working full time and with little man and the puppy don;t get much time for blogging.

He is growing so fast. He is weighting in at 17 lbs- 12oz when we went to the Doctor last week do to him running a fever and not acting himself, but he is feeling better now, since we just finished the last dose of antibiotics.

Eating habits: He loves yogurt, pudding, just about anything that you give him baby food wises. I have been slowly introducing table foods and he is not so interested depending on what it is. We are working with a sippy cup, but he would rather drink from a regular cup. He eats a big jar of baby food in the am and a fruit and vegetable for lunch and a fruit and dinner jar for supper. he has a snack in between lunch and supper. He loves Ice cream.

He can say mama, Dada, no, awe, baba. He shakes his head no when he doesn't want something or he is done with something. He has not crawled yet, and I don't think that he will, I think that he is going to go straight to walking, he can walk with help if you hold his hands. He just started to pull himself up in his crib and can roll and scoot to where he needs to go.
He loves to give kisses with his open mouth, he is a sweet little guy most of the time.

I am so glad that God has given us this little guy, he is such a blessing to us and our family.

Eating chocolate pudding.

1 comment:

Charnè said...

he has gotten so big and is adorable