God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Post-op Appt Update!

Sorry I am a little bit late at posting about my Post-op appt that was on Wednesday. Better late then never I guess.
It went all right. I did get some questions answered that I wanted to know. We arrived there early, so we checked in and was told to go to waiting room 3. So Carter and I went to sit down in the waiting room, and I have not felt that uncomfortable then I did at that time. I look around and saw pregnant bellies and some babies, I held back the tears, Carter looked at me and he put his arm around me and held me close, and said honey that will be us someday soon. We waited about 45 mins until I was called in to a room. The nurse then called us back to the room and she is doing my vitals and asking me some questions, and the dreaded question was asked: How are you doing and handling the miscarriage? I responded well physically I am good, emotionally I am not. I asked if that was normal she said of course it is. Then she sits back down and says to me "I don't want to get to personal but my 17 yr old daughter was pregnant unplanned and we were just getting over the shock of this happening, and getting used to the thought and being happy with what had happened and then last weekend she lost the baby do to a miscarriage 12 wks. Devastated. No one knows as to why this happen, and God is in control, just take each day at a time." I looked her and say yeah but it is hard. Then about 20 minutes later Dr. G came in and and talked to us. She answered all of our questions to the best that she could, with not knowing what the future holds. She put me on a baby aspirin one a day to help with the lining of the uterus to get thicker, and it suppose to help with the chance of getting pregnant. I asked the question: When can we start trying again and she said normal 3 cycles. I said oh okay so are we suppose to use protection to prevent and she is like well that is up to you guys. We are not going to really try these next two months but we are not going to prevent either. So if it happens it happens. She put me back on the Metformin as well. She talked with us a little longer and said well I will see you in April for your yearly, but I hope to see you guys sooner. That made me smile, I hope she does too.
I just wish that things would have turned out differently.


Deanna said...

Ug! That appointment is always so hard..... seeing all those women in the waiting room..... doctors and nurses who are not always the best at empathy and sometimes lack compassion.....

Hope2morrow said...

I'm glad you made it through your appointment. You have been in my thoughts, dear.